Tuesday, 9 April 2013

I is for Intuition. A-Z challenge. Healing with words. Day 9

intuition |ˌint(y)oōˈi sh ən|
-the ability to understand something immediately... a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning

Ida Thought:
(random string of thoughts that come from somewhere; end who knows where)

-Alexander Graham Bell must have been a very intuitive man, he invented the telephone, but I sometimes wonder if he over thought it.

He must have known we all have an ability to communicate with each other, without being in the same room.  A potential to connect with other people and find out if they are in perfect health or not.  A way to let them know, all though you can't be there with them, you are right there beside them.  He knew it didn't involve messengers with wings or on foot, no physical contact at all.

Instead of using his mind (better than any bird's wings) he trained his brain and he invented a tool, I'm curious to know if he did it just to prove he was loved.  Ring ring, "My dear Alexander, I was just thinkin' about ya."

The telephone is one of the world's best inventions. It's a great invention, commercially successful, very clever, useful, and essential. I have one, I would love a new one.  But there's one thing I treasure much more; without ever dialling my mother just knows what I'm thinking and feeling.


- Intuition: We all have it. Teaching someone how to use it, is like teaching a bird to fly, or a tadpole to leap. Quieten your mind, Wait for your answer, Believe. Where do you think idea's come from?

-Maintain your integrity, set your intention and follow your intuition. Not every body's knowings or feelings can be trusted, trust your own.

-Do you have a story to tell about being in the right place at the right time, or the phone ringing and knowing who it is, or a feeling that something was just right? Or perhaps, it's the all too often, "I knew I should have switched on my power, listened to my feeling, done this instead of him that...



I used to worry about whether it was my fears or my intuition directing my decisions, the best way to know for sure is to stick to solutions that result in the greatest good, and try not to worry, mistakes strengthen wings too.  What is your intuition trying to tell you?


It's not hard to understand
just follow this simple plan.

Follow your heart.
Your intuition.
It will lead you in the right direction.

Ignore your mind.
Your intuition
is easy to find.

I love this song I  hope you enjoy the clip.  

Find out how I chose my theme by reading A-Z challenge list. Words of change.  You can even contribute words to the list. 


  1. The real talent for me is how to know when it's intuition or fear. Im afraid I havent mastered that yet.

    1. Sometimes intuition gives us answers that we are afraid of or don't like, but the bigger picture is always for the greatest good... Hindsight is also an incredible insight..

  2. It's so true about mother's intuition. My mom has it, and every now and then I experience it too. I still need to use the phone for my intuition to kick in, and texting doesn't count.


    1. if your kids are anything like I was then they probably put up a good shield. I know I did. The connection we have works both ways, we hardly ever ring each other, but always at the right time, even more so now that we live on opposite ends of the planet.

  3. I've always had it happen where someone I haven't seen for a long time pops into my mind and then I see them the next day. Or I dream about someone and then see them shortly after.

    1. I love it when that happens. These days when I think of someone I try to make a point of ringing them or sending a message, some of them are just sending me a kind wish or two. I have even rang a girlfriend once and told her she was going into labour... she had the baby that night.

  4. Even people like Einstein swore that intuition was important in science and maths, but I'm too much of a pragmatist myself to give it much thought. Still, I have a suspicion it gets in anyway. You know? In those unthinking moments.

    1. hahah You know? you're a funny pragmatist...I came so close to adding an Einstein story about how he never even remembered his own phone number because he didn't want to clog his brain with information he could look up in a book... I think science and maths are very intuitive and am constantly in awe of how people can decipher the meaning of everything they know.

  5. What an interesting observation, or at least a fascinating thought. I know my songwriting buddy says he doesn't write the words, they just drop in when he opens his mind. Thanks for dropping in here.

  6. True. Intuition guides us out of many life situations.

  7. Sometimes my intuition has kicked in and then somebody has asked me my reasons why or why not and I can't explain it - that is the hardest part, somehow just knowing.

    1. Agree. That's a tough one to battle Sally, but I prefer to make a mistake, I find it easier to apologise to other people then to forgive myself for not listening to myself.

  8. Love that song! I need to be better about my own intuition. Thanks for the reminder :)

  9. Intuition exists between family and friends - we all know that - but I don't expect the doctor to know when I need an appointment, or the plumber to guess that my washing machine needs fixing!

    1. Exactly why I love my phone. :) Mind you, I do appreciate those times I ring for a last minute appointment and somebody just cancelled so they can squeeze me in...

  10. I think we all have it / moms have more

    great post for I

    There are times I wish Bell had invented something to clean the house with a click of a few buttons instead

    Inspired by Emily Dickinson today!

  11. Great post and of course I have stories about this....Thanks Ida for a wonderful reminder.

    1. I'm yet to meet anybody that doesn't have a story they 'can't explain... '

  12. I love that song! Course, I pretty much love all her songs.

    Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

    1. Ditto...while finding this one on youtube, I discovered a whole lot of stuff she has released that I had no idea about - looking forward to discovering what she has been up to the last couple of years - thanks for dropping in.

  13. I usually don't *know* it's intuition until after the fact. Take for example this deep distrust for a co-worker when I first met. He made me feel so very uncomfortable every time I had to work around him. Fast Forward a few years, he retired and opened his own consulting firm, and got arrested for putting cameras in girls' bathrooms. *shudder*

  14. It's as close to the exact opposite as you can get, but somehow strangely similar :)

  15. Very creative and interesting take on Intuition. That happens to be the word I chose as well today.


    1. Creative really was the key word here, I'm loving experimenting with different styles of writing, and getting very inspired by other posts. I have a real go at it in J is for Joy tomorrow (the jury is out on whether it will hit or miss) I'm heading over to see your post now - Thank you

  16. Hi Paula the pleasure was mine, (Bali here I come - one day) I get the feeling, even the times you seem to be wrong, you are still right - :D

  17. Loved your thought: Quiet your mind, the answers will come. It's so true. The trick is turning off the noise. And your comment above about your songwriting friend not writing the words, but opening up his mind so they could drop in--awesome thought!

    Lots to think about today. Tomorrow I'm going "lighter," come on over!

    1. Me too - J is for Joy :) I think a lot of artists feel the same way as my songwriter friend. I have had to tell myself to shut up sometimes :)

  18. I wonder what Bell would make of where phones have gone!

    1. How about we ask the guy who wrote the worlds most awful eulogy
      to tell us what he thinks. I am sure Bell would think new phones are either a huge cosmic joke or amazing :D


Feedback and your own stories are welcome.